Online Articles by Richard Ballo Blog2023-08-29T14:22:11-04:00

Teenage Pregnancy

You may know a teenage girl who has given birth, or a teen boy who has fathered a child. I do. I knew a girl who got pregnant in high school

Writing Bullets & Babies

Writing Bullets & Babies was a challenging book to write for several reasons. The first is two years of research material to organize into the right chronological order. Verification

Widower Ponders What to Do With the Ring

Eight months after my wife Lisa died of cancer I sat on our bed staring at my gold wedding band, the symbol of our love and marriage that I still wore. I don't want to let go. I didn't want my marriage to

Thoughts on Father’s Day

"You are the worst father there is," shouts Nick, my 12 year old son. My son is ranting and raving about the injustices he suffers at my rules. Rules that I ranted and raved about when I was his age. I


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