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A single title costs about $3.00.
Shipping time depends on the time of year and whether we ship media mail or priority mail. But in our experience, we see that most items arrive within 10 days of shipping.
Orders are shipped via United States Postal Service (USPS).
Once an order is placed, we will estimate shipping and delivery dates for you based on the availability of your item(s) and the shipping options you select.
Please also note that the shipping rates for many items we sell are weight-based.
Yes, but the rate will be higher depending on the shipper – USPS, FedEx or UPS. We would be happy to give you an estimate. Please submit your request here and check the box marked Shipping.
Shipping costs can vary based on the number of items purchased and the overall weight. USPS, as well as other shippers, have weight limits, but we would be happy to give you an estimate based on your purchase. Please submit your request here and check the box marked Shipping.
You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. Please submit your request here and check the box marked Return Request.
If an item is damaged in shipping, we want to make it right. Start your return by submitting a request here and checking the box marked Return Request.
Yes, the author would love to speak at your next event. Please submit your request here and check the box marked Speaker Request.
To invite Richard to your organization as a guest speaker, contact Richard directly.
For inquiries about bulk rate orders and discounts of Richard’s books use the contact form on this page.